Three Things About Backyard Ponds That You Need To Know

Posted on: 2 February 2017


Installing a backyard pond is a great way to transform your outdoor living space into a tranquil haven. Following are three things about backyard ponds that you need to know in order to get the best possible experience.

Keeping Goldfish Healthy

Goldfish look lovely in backyard ponds, but the fish may not thrive if you neglect to ensure certain conditions. Ponds that are situated so that they receive direct sunlight for most of the day may not provide the best environments for these fish -- they'll need some shade, at least during the hottest part of the day, to help keep water temperatures from rising too high unless you live in a northern climate that enjoys cool summers. You should also take care to not stock the pond too densely -- goldfish require about 20 gallons of water for each fish.

Providing the fish in your pond with shelter against predators is an important part of ensuring their optimal health and safety. Your pond liner manufacturer probably offers other backyard pond accessories such as underwater castles that fish can dart into for cover when predators are looming. You might also consider putting netting over the surface of the pond at least at night when most predators, including marauding neighborhood felines, are most active. Water that is at least three feet deep will deter diving predators such as great blue herons. To deter predators such as cats and raccoons, avoid creating ledges along the banks of your pool where they may skulk and hunt.

Take special care during winter to protect your goldfish from opportunistic wildlife and neighborhood felines. Seasonal lack of foliage on nearby vegetation makes the fish in your pond more easily visible to potential predators, so winter may be a good time to simply leave the netting over your pond at all times.

Choosing Water Plants

Your choice of water plants can also aid in protecting your fish against predators. For instance, a tall stand of reeds against the edges of the pond will discourage creeping cats and raccoons, and water lilies on the surface of the pond will prevent diving birds such as herons from accessing your fish. Plants have other benefits for fish as well -- water hyacinths provide natural filtration. Other reasons for choosing specific plants exist. If you're dreaming of a backyard paradise where heady floral aromas float on the wind, anything in the lily family will provide this scent, and it only takes a few water lilies to perfume the air with a heavenly scent.

The important thing is to be sure to choose aquatic plant varieties that perform well in your area. Tropical water lilies, for instance, are likely to freeze and die in places that experience significant winter cold, but fortunately, lily lovers don't have to do without -- they have the option of purchasing nontropical water lily varieties that thrive in locations with cold winters. Lotus is another popular water pond plant that provides both visual and olfactory appeal. If you love bright, sunny colors, consider planting marsh marigolds around your pond.

Selecting Pond Liners

Choosing the right pond liner is another essential aspect of creating an attractive backyard pond. You'll want to choose one that offers maximum durability -- after all, you're undoubtedly hoping to enjoy your backyard pond for many years to come. You'll want a liner that is highly puncture resistant and is treated with protection against UV rays. It's also important to select a liner that is made of materials that will not negatively impact your fish, and because this varies greatly among the many available synthetic pond liner options, always make your individual needs and preferences clear to your pond accessories retailer. Check out a company like Billboard Tarps to find what you need.