Make Sure That Your Custom Road Cases Are Marked In This Manner

Posted on: 10 December 2019


Whether you're a touring musician, a magician who plays in big venues, or a director of a drama production company, you'll want to establish a good working relationship with a company that produces custom road cases. Road cases are integral to protecting your equipment and ensuring that it reaches each new destination in proper condition. Few things can cause chaos for a traveling performer as quickly as damaged gear, but the right road case for each piece of your equipment will dramatically decrease this risk. Beyond the protection that they provide, your road cases should contain the following markings.

Stage Location

When you arrive at a venue, you'll have a number of people who will be helping you to unload the truck and set up your gear. This process generally entails rolling all of the road cases from the truck to the stage, and it's important for people to know where to place each case. Make sure that your custom case company can mark the proper stage location on each of the cases. For example, several cases can read "Stage Right," meaning that they should be placed on the right side of the stage. This simple marking can save considerable setup time.

Proper Orientation

Road cases can be square or rectangular, and some custom cases may have other sizes, too. When a road case has wheels, they help to identify how the case should be oriented — obviously, the wheels are at the bottom of the case. If you're getting some cases made that don't have wheels, it's important for them to be marked so that their proper orientation is clear. A simple marking that reads "This Side Up" and includes an arrow symbol will prevent the crew from positioning a case upside down or on its side.

Number in a Series

Often, you'll have a number of pieces of related gear in several different road cases. For example, if you're a guitar player, you might have two road cases that contain guitars, one that contains amplifier heads, and several that contain amplifier speaker cabinets. It can be useful to have your case company mark each case with a number based on its contents. For example, a case might read "Guitar — 1 of 6." This indicates that are there are six total road cases that relate to the guitar, thus encouraging your crew to place these cases together in the appropriate location of the stage.